Plant Growth Regulators and Bio-Stimulants

Hitweed Maxx

Pyrithiobac Sodium 6% + Quizalofop ethyl 4% MEC


Product Description:

Hitweed Maxx is a patented technology for the control of all broad and narrow-leaf weeds in cotton, developed by in-house R&D at Godrej Agrovet. It is one of the most effective herbicides which does not need any tank mix partner and is easy to use. It's completely safe for the Cotton crop.


Mode of Action:

Early post-emergence and selective herbicide. It has a dual mode of action - It acts by inhibiting acetolactate synthase (ALS) and ACCase enzyme, thus ceasing cell division.

Crops Target Pest/Disease Dose per Acre (gm/ml)
Cotton Trianthema spp (carpet weed), Amaranthus spp (pigweed), Digera Spp (Plumed Cockscomb), Echinocloa crusgalli (barnyard grass), Echinochloa colonum (jungle rice), dinebra retroflexa (viper grass), digitaria marginata (crabgrass) 450


  1. Easy to use - One Shot Application.
  2. Effective against both narrow and broad-leaf weeds.
  3. Safe for cotton crops.
  4. Reduced weed competition leads to better yield and higher productivity.
  5. Longer duration control.